Welcome to The Order of Naucratius – West Michigan. We are a network of individuals (religious and otherwise) in The Episcopal Diocese of Western Michigan. We became an official “Cooperating Ministry” of the diocese at the annual convention that took place October 30, 2021.
We believe that hunting and fishing are sacred activities, and with that premise, our goal is to help connect local hunters and anglers who have harvested in abundance with people who are hungry. The primary way we accomplish this goal is through encouraging local anglers and hunters to share portions of their harvests with those who are hungry through local programs and churches who are engaged in feeding people.
We commit ourselves to three rules of life: Prayer, Conservation, and Charity.
Our list of “GIVE” partners continues to grow! Currently, we have ongoing relationships with the following feeding programs:
Community Kitchen (Holland)
Benzie Area Christian Neighbors (Benzonia)
Empire Food Pantry (Glen Arbor)
God’s Kitchen Food & Pantry (Grand Rapids & Muskegon)
The Baby Pantry at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church (Beulah)
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