The Gifts of God for the People of God
Take, Break, Bless, and Give. This also known as the 4-fold anaphora, fancy church talk for what we do at the Liturgy of the Table on Sundays. It recalls us to the creation stories, and reconciliation of our faith-ancestors from the time of Eden to present. It also happens to be the guiding principles by which The Order of Naucratius – West Michigan takes its inspiration for ordering our common life.
The Episcopal Church is a body of believers in Christ that center our common life around the teachings of Jesus; through liturgy, sacraments, study, and serving the world. Participating in the Eucharist (or Great Thanksgiving) week after week, year after year, the words Jesus taught us, passed down throughout millennia of followers, is that when we Take, Bless, Break, and Give we re-member what it means to be the Body of Christ.